"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Literary Titan Gives Kevin Spark's id: A Novel Five Star Review!


id: A Novel, by Kevin Spark, is an immersive entry in the genre of psychological thrillers and creates an intricate narrative largely centered around a unique setting – a zoo. The story has a cast of diverse characters; one standout character is that of Detective Hopper.

Spark masterfully delves into the murky underworld of drug trafficking and animal fighting, providing a penetrating examination of the criminal psyche. In an intriguing twist of biblical interpretation, the novel employs the story of Adam and Eve to illuminate themes of sin and innocence, with Eve emerging untainted from the materialistic world while Adam bears the burden of a dark past. Adding an extra layer of complexity, Dr. Shelley, a psychiatrist, navigates the labyrinthine corridors of memory, thereby propelling the narrative forward.

The subtle writing style of Spark piques the reader’s curiosity by giving just enough information to imply a rich backdrop, resulting in a narrative layered with intrigue and depth. Numerous subplots dovetail seamlessly with the main narrative, enhancing the texture of the story. The characters’ pasts emerge as crucial aspects of their present lives, though their full stories remain tantalizingly veiled.

As is typical of the psychological thriller genre, the narrative occasionally veers into violent and macabre territory. The reader is invited on a disquieting journey through a landscape punctuated with dark thoughts and unsettling experiences. Scenes of action and violence are vividly portrayed in unflinching detail, laying bare the stark realities of life.

Despite the shadowy ambiance, the story is meticulously plotted. The characters are flawed, complex, and realistic, making for intriguing studies in character development, albeit sometimes evoking figures difficult to discern in everyday life.

I would heartily recommend id: A Novel to those with a keen interest in criminal psychology or the enduring impact of past traumas on one’s life. However, those of a more sensitive disposition should be forewarned: the explicit descriptions of violence, detailed exploration of psychological depths, and the characters’ darker musings may be unsettling.

id: A Novel leaves an unforgettable impact. The characters and their dilemmas infiltrate the reader’s subconscious, resurfacing in thoughts long after the final page is turned. The novel itself seems to emulate the intricacies of the subconscious mind, revealing fragments of events while preserving an air of mystery until the very end.

Pages: 332 | ASIN : B0BKH85WVM

via Literary Titan

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