"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

More reviews of Jane Tara’s forecast

Another Review at MyShelf.Com

In this debut novel, Rowie Shakespeare, a beautiful redheaded psychic (from a long line of beautiful redheaded psychics), gets hired to deliver weather forecasts at a high-ranked New York television station. Her abilities include flawlessly predicting the weather, reading palms, and seeing into the future during a kiss. Although her first gift got her the job and her second gift helps save lives, her ability to see a man’s romantic future after one kiss has doomed her love life to failure. That is, until she kisses her one true love and feels... nothing. Continue reading….

1 comment:

Herbie J Pilato said...

Ken -

Please email me your contact information to HJPilato@aol.com.


Herbie J Pilato