"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

#FREE May 20 - May 24! William Diehl’s “Thai Horse”⁠ - COMING TO THE SCREEN!

Atchity Productions 

Hatcher: The Search for Thai Horse 

Based on William Diehl’s novel Thai Horse 

Scripted by Kevin Bernardt (Medieval, Echo Boomers)



Christian Hatcher, the licensed killer they call the Shadow Warrior, is free from a hellhole South American jail. The former special ops officer returns to Hong Kong and Bangkok--- deadly and seductive stops on the heroin pipeline—to track down his best friend, missing since the war.⁠

"Diehl knows how to tell a story, and his novel moves."⁠

-- The New York Times Book Review⁠

"In the best thriller tradition.,"⁠

-- Los Angeles Times⁠

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