"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Beyond the bookstore - Advice From Five Star's Linda Radke

These are scary times. We need to keep thinking outside the box.

1. Speaking engagements

2. Gift stores

3. Catalogs

4. Start a book club

5. Specialty stores

6. Fundraisers

7. Lemonade stand - Why not? It worked when we were young. :)

8. School talks

9. Church or synagogue gift shop

10. Seminars

11. Workshops

12. Contest

13. Offer your book as a door prize

14. Library talks

15. Book walk - walk and talk books

16. Flea markets (don't laugh - I have one author who has a space in a Park N' Swap from November to March each year - www.SecretLifeofaSnowbird.com)

17. Encourage a Five Star Book Nook in a specialty store. We will provide the logo.

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