"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

New Age Mama Reviews Story Merchant Books first ever Arousal Optimization Self-Help Book!

Story Merchant Books releases the first ever Arousal Optimization Self-Help Book:

Wow! This book was much more than I was expecting. I thought I was just getting a book to help me with arousal. Let's face it, as a working mom and needing to take care of a household, I don't always feel sexy. Following Sarah White's program changed that. There is much more to this book then arousal. Sarah White helps in all aspects of life.  The author goes into  eight different pillars that the plan operates under: food, exercise, clothing, living space, sex and love, work and money, culture, and the power project.

This book looks at all aspects of your life. Some of the tasks in this book were hard and were a real eye opening experience for myself. This isn't a book you're going to just sit down and read. Nope, you're going to have work and take a lot of time reflecting about yourself.

If you're not feeling the spice in life you used to, I would recommend this book. It's eye opening, raw, and you will see changes.


The Arousal Plan
A Daily Ten-Week Program to Optimize Your Arousal & Achieve Your Goals by Sarah White - The Naked Therapist

Brooklyn, NY - Based on the research of Dr. Donald Pfaff, Head of the Laboratory of Neurology and Behavior at Rockefeller University, and the clinical experience of Sarah White (the Naked Therapist), The Arousal Plan is a daily ten-week self-help program designed to optimize your “Life Arousal” so you can feel great, get motivated, and achieve your goals.

The book takes 70 days to complete, and each day contains an Arousing Inspiration, an Arousing Activity, and an online Arousal Assessment Form. At the end of the Arousal Plan, you’ll have the skills and knowledge you need to optimize your Arousal. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D., has said, "Once you find your optimum level of arousal, your performance will be both flawless and enjoyable."

Arousal is one of the most exciting fields of research in psychology today in terms of motivation, happiness, and health. The book presents the following core arousal concepts: The Arousal System - a complex nexus of brain chemicals that govern Arousal. This system is engaged through the Three A's - physically Active, mentally Alert, and emotionally Available. To optimize your Arousal, you need to optimize the Three A's in the 8 Pillars of Your Life: Food, Exercise, Clothing, Living Space, Sex & Love, Work & Money, Culture, and the Power Project. Sarah also teaches you how to link Life Arousal with Sexual Arousal for maximum motivation.

In the end, the Arousal Plan helps you realize how important Arousal is to everything you do so you can integrate optimized Arousal into your physical, mental and emotional worlds. As Sarah says, “Arousal is about having a balanced baseline of excitement and motivation that influences you positively in all areas of your life. Until you achieve more Arousal, you will be forever frustrated in your efforts. In the realm of human achievement, Arousal is All.”

Sarah White is conducting the Arousal Plan herself, and posting daily comments about her journey on her Twitter Account. Readers interested in going through the plan with Sarah can get the book and share in the adventure with her.

About the book:
The Arousal Plan by Sarah White
ISBN: 978-0990943600
Publisher: Story Merchant Books
Date of publish: January 2015
Pages: 192
S.R.P.: $14.99

About the author: 
Sarah White, the Naked Therapist, founded her Naked Therapy practice in October 2010 to investigate the therapeutic value of arousal in helping her clients achieve unique, powerful and relevant insights. She and/or her methods have been featured on hundreds of media outlets, including “The Tonight Show” with Jay Leno, Psychology Today, Vice Magazine, “The Jeff Probst Show,” CBS and ABC News, Fox News, The Huffington Post, Salon.com, and many others.

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