"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser


I spend a lot of my time on a daily basis re-inspiring and coaching clients. Thought I might share the wisdom I come across on the blog.

Here’s one from Kim Wright Wiley I saw in Selling Power (the same issue that interviewed me, below - May 2nd):

1. You always have a choice.

2. If you choose to complain, you’ll feel worse.

3. If you choose a positive outlook, your world will be full of possibility.

My advice: Put your moods aside and go back to work. Put your thoughts aside and go back to work. Put your feelings aside and go back to work. Put your sleeplessness aside and get up and go back to work! Creative work makes you feel better, act better, cope better, deal with your allies better!

As Shakespeare said, “Action is eloquence.”

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