Joshua: Son of None
"What if John F. Kennedy were cloned shortly after his assassination? How would a scientist carry it off and under what rationale? Who would raise him? Better still HOW would he be raised so that when grown the "clonee" had the same environmental influences? Could he change the world yet again? Nancy Mars Freedman explores all of this in this remarkable work.
FREE June 14 - June 18
Scot D Hines' Heroines of Classical Greece Book series Medusa
Scot Hines retells the legend of Medusa in a way that makes her feel like a contemporary millennial girl with very special problems.
FREE June 18 - June 22
Western Lights by Andrew Furst
Western Lights is a collection of essays from the viewpoint of a Western Buddhist teacher. It speaks about Eastern concepts like karma, hope, attachment, and amptiness from a personal perspective and in terms familiar to Americans. They’re grounded in subject matter familiar to Americans like politics, science, psychology, heaven, and nature.
Free June 21 - June 25
Jerry Amernic’s The Last Witness
The year is 2039, and Jack Fisher is the last living survivor of the Holocaust. Set in a world that is abysmally complacent about events of the last century, Jack is a 100-year-old man whose worst memories took place before he was 5. His story hearkens back to the Jewish ghetto of his birth and to Auschwitz where, as a little boy, he had to fend for himself to survive after losing his family. Jack becomes the central figure in a missing-person investigation when his granddaughter suddenly disappears. While assisting police, he finds himself in danger and must reach into the darkest corners of his memory to come out alive.

Write: Quotes by Kenneth Atchity
This serendipitous collection of quotes spans inspiration, the creative process; the imagination; language and style; wit and entertainment; and what writers have to say about success, failure, editors, critics, readers, and audiences. An indispensable addition to your writer’s book shelf.
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