5.0 out of 5 stars NOIRE'S DONE IT AGAIN!!!
By P. Cannon "SK"
I just finished reading GSpot 2: Betrayal, and emotions are still running high! Wow! As always, Noire pulled us in from the very beginning. She started this book with the unexpected and the unthinkable and that's exactly how she ended it! It took a moment for what I was reading to actually sink into my brain! What??! After getting up and walking around, I decided to read it again to make sure, and I'm still in a state of shock, disbelief, and pure pisstivity! The Queen of Urban Erotica has done it again. But then again...what else did we expect? Kudos Noire! SK
5.0 out of 5 stars Can't Wait!
By Laneal Baugh "LaNeal Baugh" (Florence, AL USA)
I read this book in a day and I couldn't stop reading!!! And Noire u did ur thang wit dis part and I can't wait until G-Spot 2: Greed comes out!!!!! :)
5.0 out of 5 stars FANTASTIC....................
G-SPOT 2 BETRAYAL: THE 2nd DEADLY SIN was FANTASTIC from beginning to end. Could'nt wait to read what would happen next, read it in 1 sitting. This book was so vivid, It felt like I was watching a movie unfold. Would've given more stars if possible. NOIRE is an AMAZING WRITER. I am a TRUE FAN. Can't wait until GREED: THE 3rd DEADLY SIN release date. FANTASTIC FANTASTIC FANTASTIC..................................................
5.0 out of 5 stars love this!
By kels1fan
Once again, Noire does not let us down!! LOVE this and can't wait until the next one comes out!! Was kinda sad about the ending but excited at the same time... can't wait to see what happens next!! Denita Brown
4.0 out of 5 stars Entertaining and Provoking.....
By Kr Bankston "TheAuthor-KRBankston" (ATLANTA, GA, US)
Another great read by Noire...can't say I'm honestly suprised by peoples actions in the book, lies told, or how it ended, I for one am a severe pessimist and I already believe that most people would sell their sould if the price were right. I was very saddened by some of the events in the book, but I won't spoil it for anyone about to read. Noire did a sensational job....
5.0 out of 5 stars What about your friends!
By Baby Girl (T. Smith) (Chicago il)
all i can say is noire there is never a dull moment. when i first spoke with moire on fb about Betrayal i never thought it would end up like this. The action and plot is so thick until it makes you feel like you are right in the story with the writer. from beginning to the end you are a for a shock of your life. My heart is so heavy for juicy because its like she cant catch a brake. No matter where she turns its always something. I dont wanna give too much but all i can say is these little black books are something else. at the end of the day i really hope this can be turned in to a movie of some sort. Keep up the good work Noire!
5.0 out of 5 stars You already know!
By Alli Louisiana
This book is the shiz nit! I couldn't stop reading it, and kept my eye on the percentage read b/c I didn't want it to end LOL. Come on now, Noire never disappoints. The end will shock you...I didn't see that coming. I know it's betrayal but damn...
5.0 out of 5 stars Nobody Does it like Noire
By Sapphire
Noire is definitely on her game with the Deadly Sins series. The second installment left me with questions but I know many of them will be answered in the next installment. It takes a talented author to weave a story that brings the reader in and keeps them wrapped up in the story. She has done both in Betrayal. Waiting another month for Greed is going to be pure agony. Well done, Noire.
5.0 out of 5 stars Upheaval...Devastation...Misfortune...
By Dawn Chambray (Michigan, United States)
But it all narrows down to betrayal where Noire once again takes you on a ride full of adventure and mayhem. Believe me I was tired as heck getting off work at midnight but still managed to read Betrayal from front to back and be done by 5 am. It's just that intriguing. Once you get going you cannot stop! Each page pegs your interest and you are yearning to know who, what and why... In Betrayal, everything is still happening so fast! Oh the heartbreak, turmoil, lies and deceit! Poor Juicy Mo! She's experienced more catastrophe than one lifetime should dish out! Will things ever get better for her? Or will she end up in the same psycho place that Salida was released from? The suspense is killer but it makes it more interesting; makes you think and wonder what mysteries lie in wait for you next;which questions will be answered or touched upon, and what new mysteries will come about. What is Salida really up to? Did she really believe Money Making Monique's lies or is she putting on a front to keep everyone under her psycho spell? Who are the Italians really taking care of? Where is DarQuese really? The ring? And why? Rita, Rita, Rita...why, why, why??? All these questions and more are still a mystery. In one more month Greed will drop and just maybe there will be some answers in there. Until then one can only wonder.
5.0 out of 5 stars She did it again!
By Miss Drenna
Noire's 2nd installment to G-Spot 2 was everything I wanted it to be! It left me with my jae dropped wide open and a thousand questions like: why does Noire have to change the literary game with a serial novel? Why do her fans have to wait a whole month for the next book? Does she get off on the anticipation? Then it hit me: duh she wouldn't have it any other way. Anticipation is a mutha.... It's gonna be a long month!
Read An Excerpt From Betrayal Here