"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Join My Webinar at Author Learning Center Oct. 4th and Oct 18th

10 Rules for Planning your Novel to be a Film

You have an idea for a book and you just know it would be a huge hit on the big screen as well! We can help you learn how to turn that dream into a reality! In this webinar Author, Literary Manager, and Hollywood producer, Ken Atchity, explains the 10 rules for planning and writing your book, so Hollywood producers can see the movie potential. Ken's suggestions include important items to add to your storyline, certain items to forget and more!

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October 4th or 18th, 2011 at 2:30PM

About the Presenter

Dr. Atchity is the author of 15 books, including A Writer’s Time, Writing Treatments That Sell, and How to Publish Your Novel. He’s worked successfully in nearly every area of the publishing and entertainment business, and has spent his lifetime helping writers get started with and improve their careers. As founder and head of Atchity Entertainment International, Inc., The Writer’s Lifeline, Inc., including Atchity Productions and Story Merchant, and The Louisiana Wave Studio, LLC. he has produced nearly 30 films in the past 20 years for major studios, television broadcasters, and independent distribution. He is currently nominated for an Emmy for “The Kennedy Detail,” based on the New York Times bestselling book he developed. For nearly twenty years before, as professor of literature and teacher of creative writing at Occidental College and UCLA, he helped literally hundreds of writers find a market for their work by bringing their craft and technique to the level of their ambition and vision. During his time at Occidental, he also served as a regular reviewer for The Los Angeles Times Book Review.

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