"The universe is made of stories, not of atoms."
—Muriel Rukeyser

Library Journal Reviews Story Merchant Client Dennis Palumbo's Fever Dream

Palumbo, Dennis. Fever Dream: A Daniel Rinaldi Mystery. Poisoned Pen. Nov. 2011. c.250p. ISBN 9781590589571. $24.95; pap. ISBN 9781590589595. $14.95. M

Pittsburgh psychologist Dan Rinaldi’s (Mirror Image) boxing skills serve him well in this high-octane police procedural, which opens with a bank robbery gone awry. Brought in by the police to help debrief a released hostage, Rinaldi again finds himself in something much more convoluted than a simple robbery. Somehow this case is tied in with the district attorney’s current campaign for governor. Stick with the two story lines, because ten rounds of sleuthing are required before Rinaldi’s astute powers of observation and physical agility can crack this case wide open. VERDICT Lots of action coupled with earnest conversations makes for a roller-coaster read. Veteran screenwriter Palumbo composes his book as if it were a TV movie, filling it with a few too many thinly developed characters. Still, the intriguing plot and the psychological angle will hold your attention. For pacing, action, and a look at the underbelly of big cities, fans of Robert Ellis’s Lena Gamble mysteries might take to this series.
